October 22, 2017

Reinitiate Everything

Finally, after this few years, i decide to buy my own domain and put my blog on this domain.  So, what i’m gonna blog about? To be honest, i’m not really sure yet on what i’m gonna write. However, what come up on my mind first is, i’m gonna jot down everything that i have learned while i’m exploring programming world.

I’m on github!

What is Github? If you are non-techies, that site name might be unfamiliar for you. Github is a site where most of developer put their free work, so other people can see. While other people can see the work that has been shared, they also able to use it and help improve it, by either making a bug report or making some changes on the work.

Octocat – the Github mascot .

I’ve been signed up on that site for awhile now, but i’m not very active yet. That is because i’m not really sure what should i share there. But, a few days before, there are one thing i have develop for a friend of mine. It is for a local Sabahan T-Shirt company. A simple web app to log their customer order.

What the webapp can do is, if you are the owner or a staff of the company, first you will create one batch, put the name on it, and the design of the t-shirt. This will act as a main ‘folder’, where later on inside that batch, you will need to put the customer name, their phone number, shipping address and last but not least, their order detail.

There are more detailed explanation together with the codes here. But, if you wanna test it, i also make a demo site. You can try to log in using one of the email over here, put ‘secret’ as it password ( without quote sign ).

As a side note, because i intended to make it just as a demo, so the database will be purge every one hour. However the real site should not be purged, dont worry (in case you think the code useful for you and wanna to host it on your own – just to be sure to set the APP_ENV into production).

Releasing my first app on playstore!

Other than that, i also already start publishing my own app into Google Playstore. The app called Omgwalletz , it a simple app to record your own expenses. So, no more wondering where all your money gone.

Coming soon #omgwalletz

A post shared by Hamzah Jamad (@hamzahjamad) on

The app are still on alpha release, because there are so many feature i didnt put yet, for example like sharing the wallet with other people and visualizing the data through graph and bar chart. Also, as for now the user experience are still not that smooth yet. But i will improve it by time to time.

Wrap it up

So, for now that what is going on with my life, what I’ve done so far. Actually there are more things i would like to write down here. But let just keep it short for now.

The most important thing is, thank you for reading! See you on next post.


Hamzah Jamad

I write codes.

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